Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

an open eye looking over a field with a tree as a dream

Richard Miller: This is How We Dream

Amazing! I could not watch this just once. My mind could only take in so much at a time. That is where  technology is taking us! Richard Miller tells viewers about changes made in communication and literacy. Most people no longer use paper, books, or library's, as sources for working. The desktop is where we spend most of our time (Miller). We use our laptops and computers to create documents, read documents, and research due to use of the web. Not only is it used for professional purposes but pretty much life takes place with technology and web. Without having to leave home or campus to search for sources at a library access to sites like a library are readily available on the web (Miller). Unlike a library information is forever on the web and always changing.

One must have a very open mind to see possibilities such as the ones described by Miller. As he said he cannot point it out or directly or say it will be a certain way, although he knows things will change dramatically for educating and learning. It makes me a little nervous to think of how things will change because I want to be prepared. However I cannot prepare for something I cannot see coming. I agree with Miller about collaborating and getting together to give ideas towards what education will one day look like. It will take individuals to join and communicate discussing how we will teach our future students and how they will learn.

I am not prepared right now to write with multimedia. I need more practice and another class to be sure about  what I am doing. I want to be professional when it comes to teaching with multimedia. It will take me some time because I want to be able to show people exactly how I did something without needing a source to figure it out. For me it will be a process I have to learn along the way. Through use of the internet and searching online I am sure I will be able to better prepare myself though accessing what is necessary to learn. I believe my students will be able to write with multimedia because requirements in schools are changing and involving more use of the internet. When I was in school we did not use as much technology that is offered now. So they will be prepared to learn to use multimedia for learning purposes. However, I would want to incorporate both the web and books for research in my class. I will focus primarily on the web but we will not completely leave out "paper" due to a computer being what it is.. a computer. It requires power, satellite signal, and stability of software so things are not crashing. Where as books are in one place and require nothing but time. Technology is wonderful when it works. When it crashes that is it. One can go on to use to another laptop or computer but is it not always just that simple. Many thoughts and collaborations will lead us into what education will soon consist of and look like.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh

After reading Carly Pugh's blog I totally see what Dr. Miller wanted viewers like me to see. We can learn equally from multimedia as the traditional methods and still be more creative and enjoy it more. When we enjoy doing something time is no issue. We can put our all into it if we truly have a passion for it. Teachers today and future teachers can focus on ways to reach our students brain and even include them in figuring out that process. They are the ones that have to learn it after all so learning how they learn coincides. If we can make learning a "head fake" as Randy Pausch said then we will accomplish our goals as educators purposely, but not purposely to the student because they will learn the curriculum almost accidentally. Carly really made me reevaluate myself as a future educator and what it will take for me to really do what it is that I want to do, which is to help my students help themselves learn and develop a love for science and other subjects that will come together and help them figure out who they are and what they want to give to the world. I was able to perceive Dr. Miller's message much easier when reading it in her words, pretty much. As Dr. Miller said "ideas belong to no one." As future educators we must collaborate and pass our ideas along to one another to ultimately accomplish our mission. I realize using blogs allow me to learn continuously from others that are not my professors or even professionals but students and children. Carly is very passionate about teaching English and I hope to gain a deeper passion for science.

EDM 310: The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies

I enjoyed The Chipper Series very much. It was about a student who had all the excuses in the world to not complete her work on time or at all. I did get the "head fake" in that one for sure, (Pausch).  No matter what be professional and on time with your work. It is also telling viewers to be responsible for learning to teach themself without "Burp Back education", (Dr. Strange). It really made me reevaluate myself and what I am doing. The EDM  310 for Dummies is funny too. It is about students going crazy and hating the class EDM 310 because they do not know how to do assignments required. I think I could use a copy of that book. If given the opportunity I would make my movie about the effects of "Burp Back education" and what it leads to versus self learning with teacher motivation and use of technology. I would show a world falling apart due to the misguiding in schools today against a world of happy successful  individuals in charge of their destiny because of the change in how we educate and learn. I have a lot of different thoughts on how I would do this. I would need to sit and think it out and write my script.
ipad vs a stack of books

Learn to Change, Change to Learn

The professionals in this video all did a great job of describing what our schools need to be in order to give students the education they need. Our schools need to be technology based where students are allowed to learn through ways of how they socialize and communicate. As one individual on the video said, students have a much more stimulating environment outside of schools. How they learn to access things for fun purposes and communication purposes need to be included in the classrooms to make learning inspiring for the students. It seems really easy to come up with this idea. It is just like speaking to someone in the language in which they speak. We must treat education this way and teach our students how they learn. Make it more interesting and compelling so that they will be eager to learn and not see it as a forced method like the way they are taught today. As future teachers we must communicate and come together to create a way to reach our students. So many possibilities are there it just takes action and being different. (Pausch)

1 comment:

  1. Dominique,

    Great job on this assignment! You seemed to have learned a lot from these videos and blog posts! I loved your quote, "Technology is wonderful when it works." It is so very true. I feel we should always know how to do things physically as well as virtually just as a "backup" in case technology stops working for some reason! You have some great ideas you can incorporate in your classroom one day. Keep up the great work.
