The next blog I posted on was Engaging Students in Instructional Rounds. This blog was about how to improve instruction based off off Richard Elmore's Instructional Rounds in Education. Through this project he hopes that the schools instruction will improve through communication and observation. My comment to him touched on the fact that he is passionate about education and how his teachers are educating. He cares enough to begin a project that will allow teachers to grow and providing the best possible education to their students. We do need to be able to observe the way in which our lessons reach our students. We want to do our best so that the students are able to do their best and not fall behind. I look forward to more of his blog post so that as a student right now I may see the educators perspective from his place.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
C4T #3
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Blog Post #9
Mr. McLung: What I've Learned This Year (2008-09)
Mr. McClung began his first year of teaching in Noel, Missouri where he seemed to have learned a lot after his first year of teaching. I enjoyed reading his blog and hope that I see things the way does once I begin teaching. I am sure it is not just a piece of cake the very first day, but I look forward to it and the many years to follow that.
Mr. McClung enjoyed his first year and developed into, I feel, a good teacher with more experience and growing to come. He mentioned things that he felt one could work on when going into education. He talked about how he thought things were about him and how he managed to focus on delivering his lesson according to his superiors forgetting about the students. McClung admitted he lost touch with his audience. He pointed out that teachers must remember the "most important aspect of teaching" and this is student comprehension. As a future teacher I have to make sure I keep this in mind. I am sure as any professional in any field one can tend to focus on what our "bosses" want forgetting what our true goals or missions are in what we are doing. I will definitely try to make sure I base my lessons off of how my students learn after I figure out what gets their attention and how well they learn from how I deliver my lesson. Maybe after the first couple weeks my students will get use to me and I will get use to them and we develop a routine for how we learn from one another.
Mr. McClung talked about being flexible also. When describing this he was saying that we need to make sure we do not be completely stuck on things going one way because anything can happen that we cannot control. He mentioned how he would beat himself up for things happening differently and not going the way in which he wanted things to go. I can see myself being the same way. I will plan back up lessons and keep my mind open for things to go differently. I will try not to get so caught up in perfection and just focus on my students learning whether things are going perfectly or not.
Mr. McClung talked about communication and being reasonable. He said how we should form bonds with both fellow teachers and students. I am sure to keep this in mind because I know that I will be freely receiving and giving out any tips and advice that I can. We are all in this profession for the same reason so I will keep that in mind and be supportive of those around me as well. When it comes to being reasonable Mr. McClung was saying how we must not set the bar to high for our students. We must make sure that we push them forward and also pick them up when they need it. Which goes into another topic he touched which is to listen to our students. We must get to know them and be there for them through teaching but also as an adviser in a way in which we will help them grow into successful citizens. We can't forget they are children and individuals that go through things because they are constantly growing. They are trying to find themselves and figure out how they will become who it is they want to be. So we have to keep this in mind when they may not accomplish what it is we want them to and not show any signs of disappointment. They have things going on outside of our classroom so for the time frame we have them it can be a building session. We will build their maturity, self esteem, and of course there academic achievement. Going through this building session we will be building ourselves as professionals and learning more that will make us better teachers. We can learn more from those around us and learn in our own ways that will help us provide the best education we can. And of course, we must not forget about incorporating technology into classes. McClung mentions how we should not give up before we start. Just as we push our students to try new things and learn new things we have to do the same for ourselves.
What I've Learned This Year (2009-10)
Mr. McClung went from teaching 6th graders to teaching jr. high 8th graders that had a different mentality. However that was not the worst part, but he had to teach three subjects like science, history, and social studies. He had to adapt to teaching a new curriculum which was not easy and made him result to "survival mode." I am sure this was nerve racking and makes me want to prepare in all aspects of education. The last thing I want is to feel like I have no clue what I am doing so I will take his advice about change being good and not getting to comfortable. This choice of career requires adaptability. Future teachers need to keep this in mind and it is obvious for example we will be adapting being that technology is not being used more in today's classes.
Another thing that McClung discussed is finding your "school mom". That is a person that has been at the school for a while, knows about the school and how it works, and is willing to help you throughout the school year. I feel this will not be to hard for me to do because I have a very nice personality and a sense of humor that I can work in conversation. I like meeting people and I try to feel people out when I meet them so that I know how things will go and what type of relationship we will have based on our commonality.
I love what McClung said about checking our ego's at the door. He wrote about how he had to act enthusiastic about topics he may not find interesting and be a "salesman" to get the lesson across to the students. He said he may have to be "uncool" and act like a dork at times to show his passion for teaching so that his students take him seriously. I find this to be the best part of his experience simply because I learn best from teachers like this. It really works because students may find interest in the subject and even try just because they see that their teacher is really "into" it. Education needs teachers like this, or should I say actors. Often in any profession people will have to fake it or act like they are into what they are doing, or even just act to overcome what happen in our lives before stepping through the doors of our job. We are teachers and we are human. We get bored, upset, and feel sad however we must overcome all of this and put on the best show everyday we are in front of our class because we have to educate our students when it is all said and done. They are the future so we must prepare them at all cost.
Mr. McClung talked about scope and sequence. I learned for sure from him on this topic. He talked about he would spend more time on topics in his subject that he liked and not on topics that would be beneficial for his 8th grade students. He realized he had to spend adequate amounts of time on all the topics and that his assessments matched the depth of the topic in which he covered. As a future educator I believe this is very great advice because I honestly never thought about the depth perception at all. So I am introduced to something new and I will definitely remember this when making my lesson plans for the year. And plans is emphasized, not schedules but plans because it more than likely will change somewhat.
Going into this profession we all must remember what is really important in the end and that is the students. Mr. McClung talked about having issues at the school not dealing with the students but administration. He had a colleague basically tell him how he could get back at whoever caused the issue, but he realized that would only hurt the students. As I said earlier, inside of our classrooms we will be actors some days. We will have to come out of our own shoes and be a character in a since and put on a show for our students. They are what is important and worrying about outside issues and how to avenge them will not benefit the student at all. Teacher, that is our job title in the end and is what we must be and teach is what we have do. And going into what he said last we must be humble. We will have good days and good years where we feel accomplished and turn around and learn a ton more after we thought we knew it all. We can continue and will continue to learn from our own experiences and others. We should keep our minds open so that we will continue to grow and become some of the best educators there ever were. Time to replace the people that see teaching as just a j-o-b and not as career and lifestyle. It's what you are not what you do. Teacher at heart, that is who I am and who I will become as I go through this education program at South Alabama!
(Sources: Mr. McClung )
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Blog Post #8
Richard Miller: This is How We Dream
Amazing! I could not watch this just once. My mind could only take in so much at a time. That is where technology is taking us! Richard Miller tells viewers about changes made in communication and literacy. Most people no longer use paper, books, or library's, as sources for working. The desktop is where we spend most of our time (Miller). We use our laptops and computers to create documents, read documents, and research due to use of the web. Not only is it used for professional purposes but pretty much life takes place with technology and web. Without having to leave home or campus to search for sources at a library access to sites like a library are readily available on the web (Miller). Unlike a library information is forever on the web and always changing.
One must have a very open mind to see possibilities such as the ones described by Miller. As he said he cannot point it out or directly or say it will be a certain way, although he knows things will change dramatically for educating and learning. It makes me a little nervous to think of how things will change because I want to be prepared. However I cannot prepare for something I cannot see coming. I agree with Miller about collaborating and getting together to give ideas towards what education will one day look like. It will take individuals to join and communicate discussing how we will teach our future students and how they will learn.
I am not prepared right now to write with multimedia. I need more practice and another class to be sure about what I am doing. I want to be professional when it comes to teaching with multimedia. It will take me some time because I want to be able to show people exactly how I did something without needing a source to figure it out. For me it will be a process I have to learn along the way. Through use of the internet and searching online I am sure I will be able to better prepare myself though accessing what is necessary to learn. I believe my students will be able to write with multimedia because requirements in schools are changing and involving more use of the internet. When I was in school we did not use as much technology that is offered now. So they will be prepared to learn to use multimedia for learning purposes. However, I would want to incorporate both the web and books for research in my class. I will focus primarily on the web but we will not completely leave out "paper" due to a computer being what it is.. a computer. It requires power, satellite signal, and stability of software so things are not crashing. Where as books are in one place and require nothing but time. Technology is wonderful when it works. When it crashes that is it. One can go on to use to another laptop or computer but is it not always just that simple. Many thoughts and collaborations will lead us into what education will soon consist of and look like.
Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
After reading Carly Pugh's blog I totally see what Dr. Miller wanted viewers like me to see. We can learn equally from multimedia as the traditional methods and still be more creative and enjoy it more. When we enjoy doing something time is no issue. We can put our all into it if we truly have a passion for it. Teachers today and future teachers can focus on ways to reach our students brain and even include them in figuring out that process. They are the ones that have to learn it after all so learning how they learn coincides. If we can make learning a "head fake" as Randy Pausch said then we will accomplish our goals as educators purposely, but not purposely to the student because they will learn the curriculum almost accidentally. Carly really made me reevaluate myself as a future educator and what it will take for me to really do what it is that I want to do, which is to help my students help themselves learn and develop a love for science and other subjects that will come together and help them figure out who they are and what they want to give to the world. I was able to perceive Dr. Miller's message much easier when reading it in her words, pretty much. As Dr. Miller said "ideas belong to no one." As future educators we must collaborate and pass our ideas along to one another to ultimately accomplish our mission. I realize using blogs allow me to learn continuously from others that are not my professors or even professionals but students and children. Carly is very passionate about teaching English and I hope to gain a deeper passion for science.
EDM 310: The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies
I enjoyed The Chipper Series very much. It was about a student who had all the excuses in the world to not complete her work on time or at all. I did get the "head fake" in that one for sure, (Pausch). No matter what be professional and on time with your work. It is also telling viewers to be responsible for learning to teach themself without "Burp Back education", (Dr. Strange). It really made me reevaluate myself and what I am doing. The EDM 310 for Dummies is funny too. It is about students going crazy and hating the class EDM 310 because they do not know how to do assignments required. I think I could use a copy of that book. If given the opportunity I would make my movie about the effects of "Burp Back education" and what it leads to versus self learning with teacher motivation and use of technology. I would show a world falling apart due to the misguiding in schools today against a world of happy successful individuals in charge of their destiny because of the change in how we educate and learn. I have a lot of different thoughts on how I would do this. I would need to sit and think it out and write my script.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
The professionals in this video all did a great job of describing what our schools need to be in order to give students the education they need. Our schools need to be technology based where students are allowed to learn through ways of how they socialize and communicate. As one individual on the video said, students have a much more stimulating environment outside of schools. How they learn to access things for fun purposes and communication purposes need to be included in the classrooms to make learning inspiring for the students. It seems really easy to come up with this idea. It is just like speaking to someone in the language in which they speak. We must treat education this way and teach our students how they learn. Make it more interesting and compelling so that they will be eager to learn and not see it as a forced method like the way they are taught today. As future teachers we must communicate and come together to create a way to reach our students. So many possibilities are there it just takes action and being different. (Pausch)
Project #10 PLN
So what is a PLN? Huh? That is what I said plenty of times when hearing something about a PLN or just pretend like I know, which neither was working. Now after reading A 7th grader's personal learning network I know what it is and what is does for me. What is it? It is a way to access any sites on one page without having to type in the sites or search for sites one may forget. The sites can consist of anything helpful, professional, and fun for the individual. The site I chose to use is Symbaloo. It is easy to maneuver around on and does not require large amounts of time to use. My PLN allows me to access assignments due in all of my classes, emails, work information, and of course music and video channels without going through the hassle of typing in each URL when I need to use them. My PLN still has room for progress like adding sites that allow me to collaborate and receive information on school systems and jobs when I graduate. I will be using my PLN daily and building upon it for my professional growth.
(Sources used are A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Network)
Project #9b
My Timeline on movies with the Actress Taraji P. Henson
(Sources used to obtain information are Wikipedia and Google Images of Taraji P. Henson)
(Sources used to obtain information are Wikipedia and Google Images of Taraji P. Henson)
C4T #2
The teacher's blog that I commented on is Shawn Cornally. He teaches physics, calculus, programming, geology, and bioethics. "This is what gets me out of bed with fire in my belly", is the first blog I commented on. It began with that question and a conversation between Cornally and the "average student". Cornally engages in the conversation basically interested in whether or not the student studied over the summer. The student tells him that he/she played "Call of Duty". Cornally askes for the students GPA and it is a 3.5. This bothers Cornally and should bother any educator. I responded letting him know that teacher should try to motivate their students, however it is a two-way street.Teachers can do all they can but students have to want to learn as well. I suggested that teachers finding ways to get their students attention would help. Just as Dr. Strange says it is "Burp Back" education that is being taught. Students maintain high GPA's with actually no learned information. Where is what the teacher taught them and had them read? On the scan-tron in a file, not in the students head. Hands on learning to me is the key to solving this problem. (Dr. Strange).
The next blog Cornally posted on which I commented on is called Copy A "Process". It is about one of his students that wanted him to show her exactly how to do physics problems just like a math class. He explained to her that there is "infinite number of physical systems". He wants her to be able to use the general ideas and apply them. (Cornally). I can relate so much to the student because I struggle now with trying to figure out how to do problems in my classes generally and not step by step like I learned. Teachers sort of spoiled me and have shown me each way to "complete" a problem. Then the homework and test would be the same with different numbers. Now in college I have just the opposite so I have to unlearn the "Copy A" method.
I enjoy learning from Cornally. He is truly a good passionate teacher that I hope to be like. Reading his blog helps me determine how I will try to help my students learn.
(Sources: Think Thank Thunk and EDM 310 instructor Dr. Strange)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
C4K Summary Post
The name of my comments for kids (C4K) students are Kyle and Kevin. Kyle's teacher asked the class what was the most interesting desert animal to them and to blog. Kyle chose the sidewinder rattlesnake. He mentioned that the sidewinder is found in sand or at a desert. Also that they are normally seen at night. I described the snake having horns on its head and I told him that they are normally found in the west part of the U.S. I then asked him questions that would engage him in finding out more about the states the sidewinder is located. I also asked what his favorite parts of the book were.
Kevin wrote a thank you letter that I commented on that was posted onto St. Elmo's blog. His letter and many other students letters were written to Lucy Buffet, who donated iPads to their school. His letter thanked her for internet use, iPads, and donations for field trips. I thought all of the letters were so cute. I told him about how I learn to use the Mac in EDM 310 as he learns to use the iPad. I also told him how I was proud of him for thanking her and using the iPad to type his thank you letter.
Computer use and blogging for these children enables them use of technology that will strengthen their creativity. They will be able to work through things and situations in life wisely by building their thinking skills. Some are not as fortunate but hopefully all schools will have the technology to help children prepare for the future.
(Sources for information obtained by St. Elmo's blog (Letters for Lucy) and Kyles blog.)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Blog Post #7
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Randy Pausch was a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died in July 2008. Although his life was short lived he left a lasting impression on all those that knew him and for those that did not. He is co-founder of Entertainment Technology Center at CMU. He started the Building Virtual Worlds there and is the founder of the Alice software project. Overall he was a wonderful man that wanted to help those around him and worked hard to achieve his goals.
On September 18th, 2007 Pausch gave his "Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." He began his lecture discussing his childhood dreams and achieving them. Just as anyone is trying to do something they want to do brick walls can come up and stop their progress. Pausch lets us know that these brick walls are there for a reason. They allow one to prove how badly they want something and separates the people that do not want it as badly from them. If you really have a desire for something never let anything get in the way of you accomplishing your goal. It may seem like you may not see this dream come true but keep going because the brick wall is there to make you work harder. You will gain experience when you do not achieve what you hoped you would. Experience makes you a leader and allows you to lead people.
Another point that Pausch discussed is to enable the dreams of others. Help people around you and do not just focus on yourself. One should focus on others. People will be there to help you along the way. Allow them to give you feedback and listen to it. It will help you along the way if you receive it and it will allow you to help others reach their goals. When you are teaching students do not set limits for them. Push them harder and allow them to go further while encouraging them. They can succeed in accomplishing their goals without limits being set.
As a teacher or parent one can use "head fakes" to help their child live a better life by teaching them lessons. Pauch uses the term "head fake" to describe a lesson learned by someone while they really believe they are learning something else or having fun. This is the best way to help those around you achieve their goals because they will not be focused so much on the goal itself. One will actually be building their character and preparing them for the dream the entire time they are doing something different. As an educator Pausch says that one should do things differently. Do not be afraid to try something new that will help others out. Teach children to work in groups and they will become self reflective after being around others. Do not give up on anyone. Find the best in them no matter how much time it takes. Everyone has good in them.
Pausch tells us to show dedication. Do not give up when you feel you will not make it to your goals. "The best of gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap." Do not complain just continue working hard. One will achieve so much more when you can not see the end but you keep working towards the finish line anyway. While learning, pushing yourself, and pushing others remember to be good at something. Being good at something will make you valuable. Be prepared at all times because "luck is where preparation meets opportunity." He mentions to us to be loyal and earnest. We all should show our gratitude and allow people to help us. Teachers can learn from students and must remember to keep an open mind. When working with others respect authority while questioning it. The authority is their for you and to push you as you will push others.
Overall Paush wants us to lead our own lives. Although one can perceive many helpful facts from Pausch's lecture, the lecture itself is a "head fake". It really is for his children. It is to help them grow stronger and believe in themselves. I really did apply his tips to myself. As a future educator I will continue learning from those around me. I hope to make a difference in people's lives and to achieve all of my goals. Am I a Tigger or Eeyore? I am a Tigger. I will make the best of everything and enjoy my life.
(Sources for information obtained in this blog are Randy Pauch's Last Lecture and Wikipedia on Randy Pausch.)
Randy Pausch was a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died in July 2008. Although his life was short lived he left a lasting impression on all those that knew him and for those that did not. He is co-founder of Entertainment Technology Center at CMU. He started the Building Virtual Worlds there and is the founder of the Alice software project. Overall he was a wonderful man that wanted to help those around him and worked hard to achieve his goals.
On September 18th, 2007 Pausch gave his "Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." He began his lecture discussing his childhood dreams and achieving them. Just as anyone is trying to do something they want to do brick walls can come up and stop their progress. Pausch lets us know that these brick walls are there for a reason. They allow one to prove how badly they want something and separates the people that do not want it as badly from them. If you really have a desire for something never let anything get in the way of you accomplishing your goal. It may seem like you may not see this dream come true but keep going because the brick wall is there to make you work harder. You will gain experience when you do not achieve what you hoped you would. Experience makes you a leader and allows you to lead people.
Another point that Pausch discussed is to enable the dreams of others. Help people around you and do not just focus on yourself. One should focus on others. People will be there to help you along the way. Allow them to give you feedback and listen to it. It will help you along the way if you receive it and it will allow you to help others reach their goals. When you are teaching students do not set limits for them. Push them harder and allow them to go further while encouraging them. They can succeed in accomplishing their goals without limits being set.
As a teacher or parent one can use "head fakes" to help their child live a better life by teaching them lessons. Pauch uses the term "head fake" to describe a lesson learned by someone while they really believe they are learning something else or having fun. This is the best way to help those around you achieve their goals because they will not be focused so much on the goal itself. One will actually be building their character and preparing them for the dream the entire time they are doing something different. As an educator Pausch says that one should do things differently. Do not be afraid to try something new that will help others out. Teach children to work in groups and they will become self reflective after being around others. Do not give up on anyone. Find the best in them no matter how much time it takes. Everyone has good in them.
Pausch tells us to show dedication. Do not give up when you feel you will not make it to your goals. "The best of gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap." Do not complain just continue working hard. One will achieve so much more when you can not see the end but you keep working towards the finish line anyway. While learning, pushing yourself, and pushing others remember to be good at something. Being good at something will make you valuable. Be prepared at all times because "luck is where preparation meets opportunity." He mentions to us to be loyal and earnest. We all should show our gratitude and allow people to help us. Teachers can learn from students and must remember to keep an open mind. When working with others respect authority while questioning it. The authority is their for you and to push you as you will push others.
Overall Paush wants us to lead our own lives. Although one can perceive many helpful facts from Pausch's lecture, the lecture itself is a "head fake". It really is for his children. It is to help them grow stronger and believe in themselves. I really did apply his tips to myself. As a future educator I will continue learning from those around me. I hope to make a difference in people's lives and to achieve all of my goals. Am I a Tigger or Eeyore? I am a Tigger. I will make the best of everything and enjoy my life.
(Sources for information obtained in this blog are Randy Pauch's Last Lecture and Wikipedia on Randy Pausch.)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Blog Post #6
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
First I will begin by saying that the way the networked student is taught is very similar to the way we are taught in EDM 310. His instructor teaches him through Connectivism. He describes it as a theory where learning is part of a social network. It is diverse and uses connections and ties through various tools of technology. Students are able to take control of their learning.
I like how the student builds his PLN first. By doing this he will have access to information related to topics discussed in class. Through accredited sites he is able to learn what he needs to know to understand his lesson. This is how I feel all of my college courses need to begin. The first day the teacher should just tell us how to do this allowing us to better help ourselves.
Once I am teaching I will help my students create a PLN. I will make it fun and allow them a chance to teach themselves. Just as I am learning through use of technology in my EDM 310 course I plan to teach the same way. The traditional learning method works partially but Connectivism and how students in EDM 310 are learning is a way to boost creativity and lifelong learning. Once a student takes a class where they choose how they will learn it prepares them for life outside of the school.When they can find their own useful information due to help from the teachers they will be able to access things that can help them build their futures and careers. Offering a class like this in a middle school or high school will have them ahead. It will also create less use of paper and expanding their knowledge diversity. Hate this was not the way I learned but it is not to late and I will make sure my students are prepared in all aspects.
Wendy Drexler's Blog
In Wendy's Networked Student Challenges she addresses issues she knows will be problematic for networked learning. Networked learning involves tools of technology that allow students to learn socially in there own way. I believe this type of learning will be very helpful and boost our students knowledge, although it is a pretty new approach which means, challenges. One of the challenges she covered are permission and age limits for using many web applications. With this issue web use will be limited and would mean this approach would begin with the 8th and 9th graders. Another issue that will emerge is designing assessment options that promote deep synthesis of context. So much information will be offered and teachers must make sure the students are exposed and that enough difficulty is provided so that they will be able to think critically about the information they perceive. Many challenges will come with the networked learning but the reward of technology creating lifelong learning is worth it in the end. As a future teacher I must learn all I can about technologies I can incorporate in my lessons so that I can provide the best education possible for my students. I will be able to teach my students how to learn to use different types of technology while also learning about core information that is covered in our curriculum. I really have to keep practicing myself so that I am a professional because this is how I want to teach my students!
A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment
The 7th graders PLE was great. I like how she put it together herself to fit how she learned best. It made me realize how helpful it can be in helping one go straight to needed topics. I will use my PLN to my advantage and add sites beneficial to me and my education.
First I will begin by saying that the way the networked student is taught is very similar to the way we are taught in EDM 310. His instructor teaches him through Connectivism. He describes it as a theory where learning is part of a social network. It is diverse and uses connections and ties through various tools of technology. Students are able to take control of their learning.
I like how the student builds his PLN first. By doing this he will have access to information related to topics discussed in class. Through accredited sites he is able to learn what he needs to know to understand his lesson. This is how I feel all of my college courses need to begin. The first day the teacher should just tell us how to do this allowing us to better help ourselves.
Once I am teaching I will help my students create a PLN. I will make it fun and allow them a chance to teach themselves. Just as I am learning through use of technology in my EDM 310 course I plan to teach the same way. The traditional learning method works partially but Connectivism and how students in EDM 310 are learning is a way to boost creativity and lifelong learning. Once a student takes a class where they choose how they will learn it prepares them for life outside of the school.When they can find their own useful information due to help from the teachers they will be able to access things that can help them build their futures and careers. Offering a class like this in a middle school or high school will have them ahead. It will also create less use of paper and expanding their knowledge diversity. Hate this was not the way I learned but it is not to late and I will make sure my students are prepared in all aspects.
In Wendy's Networked Student Challenges she addresses issues she knows will be problematic for networked learning. Networked learning involves tools of technology that allow students to learn socially in there own way. I believe this type of learning will be very helpful and boost our students knowledge, although it is a pretty new approach which means, challenges. One of the challenges she covered are permission and age limits for using many web applications. With this issue web use will be limited and would mean this approach would begin with the 8th and 9th graders. Another issue that will emerge is designing assessment options that promote deep synthesis of context. So much information will be offered and teachers must make sure the students are exposed and that enough difficulty is provided so that they will be able to think critically about the information they perceive. Many challenges will come with the networked learning but the reward of technology creating lifelong learning is worth it in the end. As a future teacher I must learn all I can about technologies I can incorporate in my lessons so that I can provide the best education possible for my students. I will be able to teach my students how to learn to use different types of technology while also learning about core information that is covered in our curriculum. I really have to keep practicing myself so that I am a professional because this is how I want to teach my students!
A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment
The 7th graders PLE was great. I like how she put it together herself to fit how she learned best. It made me realize how helpful it can be in helping one go straight to needed topics. I will use my PLN to my advantage and add sites beneficial to me and my education.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Blog Post #5
Don't Teach Your Kids this Stuff. Please. by Scott McLeod
Absolutely loved it! This was very funny. On this blog Scott McLeod is writing a letter to parents, teachers, administrators, and board members telling them not to teach their child anything related to the wed. He is wanting the people the letter is addressed to to keep their children use to using only pen and paper in their lesson. No blogging, twittering, scanning, PLNs, and definitely no cell phones. He is being sarcastic saying how parents feel the internet is basically a bunch of garbage only going to corrupt the child later. Some old fashioned traditional parents really feel this way. People can be ignorant to not allow their children the exposure to technology. However there are ways to utilize technology for purposeful methods. Not to say predators are not out there but there are ways to protect your children as much as you can and still allow them use of the web. It is just like dropping off your child at a store and leaving then returning to get them. One trust that their child will be safe and pay attention to their surroundings. Parents can not be everywhere at once so you just trust things will go as planned and hope nothing bad happens. Needless to say the internet is just like that. One can allow their child to learn all they can about things that will enhance their thinking skills and make learning interesting and fun while being safe.
Now who is Dr. McLeod? He is the an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Kentucky. Founding Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education which is the nations only academic center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators and was a co-creator of "Did You Know Shift Happens". He has received awards from Phi Delta Kappa, the National School Boards Association, and recognition from the cable industry to include a few. He blogs regularly about technology leadership issues at Dangerously Irrelevant at The Huffington Post. (Information provided by
The iSchool Initiative by Travis Allen
Does technology belong in our class? In my opinion as a student graduating with 2007 class I say yes. As a future teacher in 2013 I say yes. Technology is needed in our classrooms due to the use of it in todays world. Everyday an individual is anywhere but home they see iPads, iTouch, iPods, and iPhones being used daily. Even if you do not own any of the items one probably use iTunes. There are many new things dealing with computers and the web used in schools. Now there is another way of learning or the iSchool. It does not require books, paper, pencil, or expensive copy machines. It uses email for communication for students, teachers, and parents. It has a chemical table, US Constitution, World Wiki, USA Presidents, star walk, formula app, recorder, scientific calculator, and plenty of other apps that a student can access with a touch of their finger. This iTouch creates instant access for teachers and students to keep up with assignments while parents are able to monitor progress. iSchool saves $600 dollars per student only costing $150 for a student to have an iTouch. Eventually something similar if not this program will exist in our classes. By utilizing the iTouch our schools can go green helping with the green house affect.
Travis Allen is a very well spoken individual. He is truly inspiring for me and I am sure other individuals. The work he has done as a twenty year old student is amazing. His purpose is clearly stated how schools should evolve to survive in today's information age. Not only must we rethink the curriculum and how students learn from the time perspective but we must do so so that our country will grow and remain strong being that our students are the future. We as a country are in a lot of trouble with debt and schools systems failing. The drop out rate is growing and we must figure out why. By rethinking the traditional learning method we can do nothing but succeed, because obviously the "old way" is not working.
Eric Whitacres Virtual Choir
Wow!! I have chills after watching this amazing choir sing. Who would have ever thought of this? It is so perfect. It allows me to see into the web and what you can do with it. It is like a movie where you think oh that could never happen but anything is possible especially after watching this video. I would have loved to be apart of that choir! (lol) All anyone has to do is search, search, search! Their is so much that can be used for good purposes through use of the internet and technology. Many people use excuses for not using the internet relating them to negativity but one must see past that. With technology today you can protect your self from identity theft or predators. If you are alive one way or another you will use technology. You may not have a credit card and use only cash but one will use use something dealing with technology so make the best of it and enjoy it!
Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts
I enjoyed this you tube video. In this video Kevin asks us what does it mean to teach. There are many definitions found in dictionaries and sites online for the word teach. My favorite related to the 21st Century is "to guide the studies of". Just as Roberts pointed out students can access information anywhere and anytime. Teachers do not need to only provide information for these students in today's technological world but to show them the proper way of finding this information. We must engage our students in the subjects taught in our classes and using a computer, iPad , or any technology one can find ways to help the students help them selves. It can be useful and fun. It would be pretty boring to go to class each day and read the chapter given and answer questions. This is regurgitation. It is not learning but memorizing for most students. If one is engaged in learning and asked to search for it using the web and then to do a project with the information found, the student would more likely remember the project over reading some words in a book that is hard to get engaged in. I know once the school system figures this out the dropout rate will decrease and test scores will increase.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
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