Sunday, September 11, 2011

C4T Project #3

The blog I followed over the past week belongs to an amazingly talented art teacher, John Burrows. The first blog I saw contained sculptures from his Art I class. The class had to research, sketch, and sculpt a mythical creature. The sculpted mythical creatures were made from clay. All of the students may have used clay once before but it did not show in their work. The sculptures he posted gave me a chance to see how truly talented these students are. Most importantly I was able to see how talented Mr. Burrows is. In order to help the the students create what they saw is amazing. In Mr. Burrows next blog I saw he posted a painting of his own. The painting was of a coke-a-cola bottle, a lemon, and a lime. This painting allowed me to see his work and how professional he is. It allowed any viewer a chance to see what he wanted them to see in their own way. Through his work one is able to see his love for art.The passion he has allows him to be a wonderful art teacher. I feel as a future teacher I should be just as passionate so that I can easily help my students grasp important concepts that will lead them into their aspiring futures.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dominique
    It seems as though you were very interested in Mr. Burrows class art. I myself would love to see them. One thing that I might recommend is that in your future posts to include the link of your information so your audience can view such creativity.Also try to add pictures to your blog for some visuals. Other than that, Good Luck in EDM310.
