Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blog Post #2

Did you know 3.0 by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod
I did not know hardly any of the information presented on this clip. This is an obvious statement but true. (I guess not just for me though.)  It is amazing however to learn it. I am sure most people in the US would be surprised to see the comparisons made with our country and others. To me the video wants us to see that EVERYTHING is based on technology. It also says that the US is not #1 as we like to think of it. The most interesting thing to me is that India had more honor students than the US has students. That makes me uncomfortable to know that and as a student and future teacher it means I have to continue to learn. Learning will never end, unless Google shuts down lol. We as people do rely on computers a lot. It is easy to believe that  a computer will be made to do more than our brains could even imagine. That is  a little sad to think about in my opinion at first because sooner or later we will not have labored jobs because a computer will do it. Although, the up side to that is the word computer meaning connection with electricity.

I also believe that this video is showing us how important teachers are. Not only how important teachers are but how we teach our students. Learning hands on is the way all students need to learn. Incorporating this into our schools could bring our students to honor levels. Just like in the video the students today are the future. Everyone attending college right now is the near future. We must work hard and study hard to make sure our future as a country is secure. We must stay updated and not fall behind. I love this video and I will watch it over and over so I can give others around me something to think about.

Mr. Winkle Wakes by Matthew Needleman
Mr. Winkle is an old man that wakes from his sleep after 100 years have passed. He never knew of any technology and is discouraged by all the new changes made. He does not like computers with video chat or phones. He eventually finds a school that has not changed at all. The teacher just stands in front of her students lecturing all day while the students take notes. He likes to see that after 100 years some things just stayed the same.

 This is not good at all however it is true. Some methods used in school should be eliminated. All old things are not bad for students to learn. Just standing in front a class lecturing on endless information does not help the student grasp what they actually need to learn. Hands on objectives will help the child to use their mind while they are actually doing the assigned project or work. No one will learn to ride a bike reading it or having someone tell them how to ride it. It takes the teacher to tell them how to ride it while they are getting on the bike practicing. 

The Importance of Creativity by Ken Robinson
This was the most interesting video I have watched thus far. Ken Robinson discussed how children are born artist with many different talents. As they grow up and go to school they are educated out of their creativity. According to Ken Robinson, creativity is the process of original ideas that have value. It also involves intelligence which is diverse, dynamic, and distinct. Things students may excel in are stigmatized and not valued if one feels they will not get a job in it. We must rethink the principles of education.

As a future teacher I will do my best to keep these things in mind. I would not want to hinder my students at all. I will allow my classroom to be a place where their creativity will never be limited. Ken Robinson also pointed out how education is based on industrialism. Math and sciences are ranked first, then humanities, and last but not least the arts. Music and art are also favored over drama and dance. All subjects should have the same focus of attention because each individual excels in different things.

Cecelia Gault (Young Student in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson
In this article and short video it is obvious the U.S. falls behind extremely. The dropout rate in the U.S. compared to Finland is unbelievable. In order to bring our country’s education level up we must balance our curriculum between science and art. It works obviously because Finland has no failing schools and uses this method. Pure focus on math and science leaves no room for a student that is not as good at these subjects to show their creative side. These two subjects do not determine how intelligent a person is. Sir Ken Robinson said intelligence is making since of the world around us. It is gained through experience. Individuals experience more than math and science in their daily lives for sure.

Including art, music, drama, dance, and technology classes as core subjects would give each student a more diverse culture and experience. Meaning they would be "intelligent". I hope as a country we are able to catch up soon. It will take more advocates for a new curriculum for things to change. People play it safe and stick with the usual because they are use to it. No one wants to step out of the box. However it is time to try a new approach. The old one is not working, especially since the dropout rate is rising. I am sure some of the students that feel they are not good in math or science are creative in some type of art course. We have nothing to lose going about changing the curriculum. As a future teacher I will push for a new diverse curriculum that favors no one subject and is balanced. 

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
I am very impressed by what the students are capable of doing. It makes me want to learn more so that I will be caught up with the latest things going on in the world of technology. I like what Mrs. Davis said about learning along the way. She talked about how most teachers try to learn things ahead of time so that they will be able to teach the students. As Dr. Strange said we must always be willing to learn. Things will change and it is ok to learn along as well as from our students. I have two daughters and I am sure they will be teaching me about new gadgets in the future.

I like how she teaches the students how to learn. I will customize my classroom to my students as well as she does for her students. I believe that is the key to having success in the classroom. Getting to know the students and adjusting to their learning methods will allow them some control in the class. It will make the learning experience fun and not so dry or boring. 

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